New Skin Growths – Should You Be Concerned?
Skin Care
Understanding Skin Growths
Skin growths, also known as skin lesions, can be a common occurrence. While some skin growths are benign and harmless, others may warrant further attention and care. At Smith, Arthur F, MD, we specialize in providing expert opinions on skin growths and helping our patients make informed decisions about their health.
Common Types of Skin Growths
There are various types of skin growths that individuals may encounter. It is important to be aware of the different types and characteristics to better understand potential concerns. Some common skin growths include:
- Moles: Moles are pigmented spots that can be present on the skin from birth or develop over time. Most moles are harmless, but changes in size, shape, color, or texture may indicate a need for evaluation.
- Warts: Warts are caused by a viral infection and typically appear as small, rough bumps on the skin. They are generally harmless but can be a source of discomfort or embarrassment. Treatment options are available to address wart removal.
- Actinic Keratosis: Actinic keratosis refers to the presence of rough, scaly patches on the skin caused by sun damage. While often benign, these patches bear a risk of developing into skin cancer, so seeking medical advice is essential.
- Skin Tags: Skin tags are small, soft, fleshy growths that typically appear on areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing. While generally harmless, they can be bothersome or affect self-confidence. Our experts can offer safe and effective skin tag removal options.
- Seborrheic Keratosis: Seborrheic keratosis presents as brown or black growths with a waxy, stuck-on appearance. These growths are usually non-cancerous and often occur in older individuals. However, if any changes occur, a thorough evaluation is recommended.
When to Seek Professional Evaluation
While some skin growths are harmless, others may indicate an underlying issue or potential risk. It is crucial to pay attention to any changes and seek professional evaluation when:
- You notice rapid growth of a skin growth
- A skin growth changes color, shape, or texture
- Bleeding or itching occurs in or around the growth
- A growth becomes painful or tender to touch
- Multiple new skin growths appear within a short time period
At Smith, Arthur F, MD, we provide comprehensive analysis and personalized treatment options for all types of skin growths. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of care while prioritizing patient comfort and well-being.
Personalized Treatment Options
When it comes to treating skin growths, a personalized approach is crucial. Depending on the type, location, and characteristics of the growth, various treatment options may be recommended:
- Observation: For benign growths that do not pose any health risks, a "watch and wait" approach may be appropriate. Our specialists will monitor the growth closely and advise accordingly.
- Medication: Certain growths, such as actinic keratosis, may benefit from topical medications to reduce inflammation and minimize the risk of progression to skin cancer.
- Cryotherapy: Freezing the growth with liquid nitrogen can be an effective method, especially for warts or small benign lesions.
- Surgical Removal: In some cases, surgical removal may be necessary, especially if there is suspicion of skin cancer or if a growth is causing discomfort or affecting daily life. Our experts are skilled in performing safe and precise surgical procedures.
Contact Smith, Arthur F, MD Today
If you have any concerns or questions regarding new skin growths, do not hesitate to contact Smith, Arthur F, MD. We offer specialized expertise in diagnosing and treating various skin lesions, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients' health and well-being. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards peace of mind.